Pretty Prachi Desai is able to successfully transform herself from a TV actress to a bollywood beauty. She already appeared in three movies, her last release was ‘Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai’. Recently the Government of Goa has signed Prachi as the brand ambassador of their ever-colorful state.
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` gorgeOus jennifer finnigan `
Jennifer Christina Finnigan is a 3-time Emmy Award winning Canadian actress, who is best known for her role as Bridget Forrester in the American soap opera ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ from 2000 to 2004.
` expensive actresses in hollywoOd `
10. Kristen Stewart earned $ 12 million
9. Meryl Streep - $ 13 million
8. Drew Barrymore - $ 15 million
7. Angelina - $ 20 million
6. Julia Roberts - $ 20 million
5. Sarah Jessica Parker - $ 25 million
4. Jennifer Aniston - $ 27 million
3. Cameron Diaz - $ 32 million
2. Reese Witherspoon - $ 32 million
1. Sandra Bullock - $ 56 million
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